Whilst eyewear is our speciality, we totally geek out on all things material. Being on a mission to make the planet a better and safer place, means not only focusing on our frames, but the whole package (the whole company in fact).

We've been refining our packaging to have minimal impact on the environment since we started. Our newest addition is a hexagonal delight to our beloved nest box. We've teamed up with Flexi-hex and now use their incredible paper sleeves to keep our Birds snug inside their boxes as they journey to find new faces.
If you can't find a creative way to reuse them (like keeping a banana safe during your weekend bike ride), then it's good to know they are curbside recyclable, biodegradable and compostable.
Plus using Flexi-hex means reducing our shipping and storage costs, and ultimately the impact on our environment.

We'll keep experimenting if you will...